• Therapy options - Group Therapy

    Therapy options to meet your personal needs.

Group Therapy

Please check back regularly for current group offerings.

Now Recruiting for:

  • Virtual IVF Pregnancy Support Group starting Summer 2024!

60 mins; day and time TBD

Group therapy


What is group therapy?

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves one or more therapists working with a small group of individuals who share similar concerns or issues. Group therapy can be beneficial for a wide range of mental health issues and challenges and generally has a topic or focus. Groups can be skills based or process oriented, or incorporate both. Groups can take place in-person or virtually, are generally 60+ minutes in length, and are either long-term/ongoing or a pre-determined amount of sessions. Although not always mandatory, group therapy can be a valuable tool for individuals who are already engaged in individual treatment, given the additional support and community offered by a group.

What are the benefits of group therapy?

Group therapy can offer several benefits including:

Universality: Group therapy can help individuals feel less alone in their struggles, and provide them with a supportive community of individuals who understand what they are going through.

Increased self-awareness: Group therapy can help individuals gain a greater understanding of their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors by receiving feedback and hearing others' perspectives and experiences.

Cost-effectiveness: Group therapy is an affordable option as the cost is shared among the group members.

What type of groups are you currently offer?

Please check back regularly for current group therapy offerings.

  • Now recruiting for “IVF Pregnancy Support Group” beginning this summer!

How do I join one of your current groups?

If you are interested in joining an active or recruiting group, please reach out via the contact form. After an initial call, we will schedule an intake session. During this intake session, I will collect some background information, and together we will determine if you are a good fit for the group. Goodness of fit is essential given the importance group cohesion in this type of treatment.

Services are currently being offered virtualIy to patients located in NY and NJ

Use the link below to set up an initial 15 minute complimentary consultation phone call